Sunday, July 05, 2009

She's Baaack

It's been an awfully long time since my last update, and a lot has happened. I had a fabulous trip to the Caribbean, Argentina, and Tucson. If you'd like to read more about it, you can check out my travel blog. I got to spend time with one of my dearest friends and attend the wedding of another, celebrate my grandmother's Significant Birthday, and get to know people and places I'll never forget. I also learned the joys of setting your schedule according to your own whims (don't think I'll ever really recover from that discovery) and of spending lots and lots of time in the great outdoors. Since coming back to Ottawa, I've picked up more or less where I left off, singing with ORYC and training capoeira, but minus Carleton and plus work. Yes, I've started work as a real employee, at the same office where I had my co-op placement last year. It is going fairly well so far, and I have managed to outlast my director general, who is leaving for another assignment on Monday (the DG is my boss' boss, for those unfamiliar with the ranking system of Canadian government departments). Sometimes I feel a little under-employed, just because I haven't got people yelling at me about tight deadlines, but I've got a few files on my desk, and they are all really interesting to me, so that is a good thing. There are lots of good things.

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