Thursday, November 27, 2008


This is going to be a great spring! I will be living like a pauper in a variety of locations of varying sunniness, as follows:
February 3-13: St. George's, Grenada, for a visit and beachy good times with Katie
February 14-20: Havana, Cuba, for Kelly's wedding to the nice young man she met on exchange there (I haven't met Andres, but everything I have heard suggests that he is nice)
February 20-22: Horrible airplanes
February 22-March 25: Buenos Aires and other Argentine destinations, for cosmopolitanism, nomadism, and a potential intermission in nine years of mostly-vegetarianism
March 25-27: Horrible airplanes
March 27-April 1: Tucson, Arizona for Grandma's birthday (she is not a day over 46!).
It is to be an epic journey and a marvellous one.

1 comment:

Matt said...

Sweet trip you have lined up, Jessica!

I'm sure it will be worth all of those "horrible airplanes". At least you are not going to be crossing the Pacific... *shudders*