Sunday, November 09, 2008

Flavour Of The Week

My favourite quote of the past two weeks is from my good election-night buddy Jacob, who made the following declaration regarding monies owed to the Canadian Revenue Agency,
"They never ask for documents, remember?"
Other notable recent events have included a showing of The Blue Planet, which features great numbers of jellyfish and similar freaky wondrous sea-blobs (some venomous!).
Probably the best thing, though, was hosting Boopsie for the weekend. She got to meet my hooligan choir friends on Halloween, so now she will not recognize them unless they are dressed as woodnymphs, mariachi bands, or alarmingly realistic pregnant ladies. We also went out for brunch at Von's with Tamara, her roommate Joey (real, awesome name: Giuseppe), Sandra, and Steve. They make a mean omelette at Von's and the portions are satisfying but not so much that you can't enjoy a rum ball at the Wild Oat afterwards. We drooled over everything in the display cases at Magpie Jewelry; my favourite was a rather expensive necklace in the shape of very delicate olive branches. It made me want to buy it and wear it with togas forever and ever.
Sadly, Boopsie and I both had schoolwork to do, so much of Sunday was spent bumming around the apartment, working. It was quite pleasant to have company, though, and I was very pleased when she remarked at the bus station that the trip had been easy and we should do this all the time. Both of those things are true!
Tomorrow I am going to see Spamalot with Kristen and Jen. RULAGE! Other upcoming fun includes a presentation I'm giving to our departmental sustainable development committee regarding the EU's Sustainable Consumption and Production/Sustainable Industrial Policy. There is a pretty fab summary posted here, but it is only up-to-date for July. Anyway, should be good times. I have started talking about policy again so clearly it is time for bed. Something raucous is going on outside my building, but I don't anticipate it will stop me sleeping. Arrivederci!

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