Monday, December 10, 2007

Bag Lady!

Today I brought to school the following items:
Travel mug
Gym shorts
Change of clothes for after capoeira
Cell phone
Lucia music binder
10-lb econ coma-brick textbook
Two semesters of economics notes in a blue binder
Lip gloss
Concealer (for concealing myself)
Chickpea-and-beet salad
Two clementines
Pens! Many!
A fork
Bus pass
The difference between "student" and "hobo" is such a fine distinction. Today in capoeira we learned to do an armada and it was quite entertaining. Spinning kicks for the win! A little preliminary research on YouTube demonstrates to me that this is but the first step in learning to do kicks where you fly through the aaaaair, which is just inexpressibly exciting.
And now back to the world where I have schoolwork to do. Feh!

1 comment:

Matt said...

It is a fine line. Generally there is less shopping cart involved with university students.

Unless it's a Friday. But then hobos' shopping carts are seldom filled with other people...

Oh, here's the answer to the skill-testing question I had to do to make this post.


bonerpeanutbutterpictures. How rad is that?