Friday, December 10, 2004

Ice, Ice, Baby

A few days ago we had freezing rain. This is turning out brilliantly. The roads and sidewalks have been cleared and everywhere else is a skating rink. So today I went with Laura, Katherine, and Robyn, and we amused ourselves by going across the canal to the Arboretum and sliding down the hill. Katherine and I succeeded in getting back up the hill, and made a human chain to pull up Laura, whose shoes were slippery and who was having a little trouble. It was like the evolution of man... just Laura and Robyn struggling up the hill, all hunched-over.
And then it was back to the Fishbowl for another round of brick hockey. After that, to Glengarry to watch Carolyn Parrish take on Tucker Carlson, who continues to be a disgrace to the name of "human being". And then, to continue the audiovisual movable feast, it was my room for some Monty Python sketches. "My hovercraft is full of eels!" indeed. And now here I am, sitting quietly in my room again. What a delightful day.
Somehow, I got an A on the PAPM mini-essay that I made up the night before it was due. Hmm. This is not a good precedent to set, methinks. It was funny picking it up, though: my TA has mysteriously acquired a fan club. There were about ten girls sitting in a cluster around Denis and furiously taking notes. Apparently his other tutorial group (Katherine's) made him a card, which he says is on his fridge.

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