Sunday, October 24, 2004

Capital, Capital

Once again it is far too late. Funny how "far too late" comes around once a day. But hey, Mallory and I had to watch Lord of the Rings: the Return of the King, okay?
It was necessary. Not to mention awesome. Those are seriously excellent movies -- even the violence is cool, and we know that the Jessica is not all about the violence in film. But it's different when you have a tiny man slaughtering away with a giant axe and then somebody practicing archery in a deadly manner and inventing snowboarding, all at the same time. It's just cool. And then there's the whole saving-the-world-from-Ultimate-Eldritch-Evil angle, which is just too much fun for words.


ho said...

and plus, the extended edition of ttt has a song in old english! and i know how to translate it! go old english, and see it is occasionally useful. i could also tell you what many of the names mean.

Jessica said...

Please do elaborate! I would be ever so intrigued! :D