Sunday, October 31, 2004


Hi folks! It occurs to me that I haven't updated in several days and, as I am presently avoiding work (that should really be the title of this blog: Presently Avoiding Work), I thought I'd throw a little post on here.
Hallowe'en is awesome so far. It's been a very social weekend, probably something to do with the lunar eclipse. I've been feeling sort of bipolar -- always either up or down, no real medium. Right now it's raining (again) so I'm closer to the down side, but liff goes on. It certainly has been doing so this weekend. Friday night I went out for Katherine's birthday (every Katherine in Ottawa seems to have red hair) with a bunch of her friends. They're awesome people, and we have all these friendly Toronto vs. Alberta and Journalism vs. Public Affairs faux-threatening matches, complete with faux-ghetto cries of "word to your mother!". It's rather amusing, though it may not make sense to, you know, sane people. We went to this very strange Italian restaurant, which is decorated like some kind of Renaissance Faire, complete with murals of wenches and drunken monks. The food was good, and someone (me) cleverly thought to bring balloons and birthday candles for our amusement, so Katherine somehow wound up tied to about six balloons and was forced to take the bus like that. Thank God it was Hallowe'en weekend; we would have gotten even more strange looks had it not been.
Saturday night I went out with Bev From The Floor (FTF -- hereafter anyone From the Floor will be referred to as such)and Jacob to a house party at Kate J's. Kate's mother and my mother work together, and we're in the same program but she's in second year and has her own house now. She's very nice, and the party was perhaps boozy but nothing terribly illegal went down (and if they didn't want minors to drink, they wouldn't have such a high drinking age, would they?). It was full of second-years and loud music, and there was dancing and carousing until the wee hours, etc. etc. We crashed there and walked back this morning.
I really have to go do work now. Alas! and farewell.

1 comment:

Lori said...

It is a known fact that people with red hair are cool.