Sunday, November 15, 2009

A Most Marvelous Weekend

Told you I'd be back. Work was pretty quiet this week (again). Wednesday was Remembrance Day, so we federal leeches did not work. Tuesday, the cubicles around me were unoccupied due to swine flu, trips to India and Florida (or South Carolina?), and working from home. It was a little creepy.
But the weekend was amazing, for this weekend Colleen came to visit me, and we were our usual fabulous selves in various locations around Ottawa. We did cocktails with Justin on Friday night and then went dancing, where we learned that we are old and that Ottawa guys are totally not smooth. Have you ever seen someone do the old "stretchin' around this gal!" move while leaning on a bar? I have now. I asked him whether he was lost, and gave him a fake name before we vamoosed. Anyway. Saturday we went rock climbing, at which Colleen totally kicked my butt but then she is more experienced, i.e. she is secretly a gecko or something. Then it was pizza for dinner and out for a wine tasting at Jacob's. Colleen was impressed at the number of straight male friends I have. Don't quite know where I got them all, but they're good people and can stick around! Sunday was brunch and shopping and laziness. That brings us to where we are now, post-choir-practice and nearly ready for another week. Plunging back in!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOL'd at the straight male friends. They are definitely good to have around.

And I have seen the stretch/yawn move pulled, it's a very has-my-life-become-a-sitcom moment. My experiences here say guys in general need to work on the smooth... or just be awkward cuz sometimes that's endearing. But the clichéd nonchalant, with no hint of irony? Forget it :P