Sunday, January 20, 2008

Naming Names on Papers, Quebec, and Roommates

Long time, no see. It turns out that working full-time and trying to write a thesis takes up a lot of one's time. Oh, and CUSE, a new semester of capoeira classes, and a busy choir schedule.
So what has been going on lately that is noteworthy? My mini-thesis continues to be terrifying, although the people at work have been pretty helpful and are interested in my research, such as it is. They provided some rather useful constructive criticism, as well. Please note that I have elected to refer to it from here on in as a "mini-thesis" so as to minimize my own fears of it.
This Friday the choir played a gig at the big swanky casino in Hull. Hey, I can still call it Hull, it's OK - technically the casino is in the Secteur Hull de Gatineau. Oh, la caprice des noms de place. So there. Anyway, I arrived home at midnight to find a deserted apartment, since Katherine and Jordan (one refers to them as a unit now: they are my roommate-unit) had gone to rural Quebec to spend a weekend at a friend's cabin. With the apartment to myself, I am pleased to report that I spent yesterday until 6 p.m. in my pajamas and cleared the living room of furniture to vacuum and demonstrate my ridiculously clumsy capoeira stylings. I also ate huevos rancheros, though sadly without refried beans. Such excitement.
All this banality does not concern me, though, since I'm looking forward to several visits on the horizon. Mom is coming out to Ottawa next weekend and will bring with her several pairs of pants that I forgot when I came back from Christmas break. Bless her. Two weeks after Mom's visit, Matt will spend a long weekend with me. I'm pretty psyched for both of these things. To celebrate, the weather has suddenly (finally!) gotten really wintry again. My face almost fell off from cold on the way to the library today.

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