Tuesday, March 13, 2007

I Prefer to Think of it as Impromptu Gravity Research

Finished my Africa essay. I think it is respectable but not phenomenal, which is becoming usual given the amount of work I have to do and the mysterious capacity of my own motivation to recede when I need it most. Fell over on my way to school, so that I walked into class with a scraped knee to match my cracked hands, which themselves were holding a book the prof had lent me so that I could let my nose haemorrhage all over the cover. Apparently I am some kind of reverse vampire, sprinkling all with delicious plasma.
Public affairs class was insane on Monday because everyone got angry because we didn't get our assignments back. The next assignment was supposed to be handed in in the next class and we need the first assignment to do the second. Whatever, it's not like I was going to do it until the weekend anyway, right? Right? And there's no way it was going to meet the prof and TA's standards because, among other problems, we all speak Quantitativese but they speak Qualitarian. The translation is not smooth so far. It is probably a bad sign that these assignments have taken so long to mark in the first place, as it suggests quite a lot of red ink.
Kelly, Wulfric and Steph jointly win the Champs of the Day Award for their heroic nocturnal essay-writing. I wish all three a very good sleep. Perhaps I will even refrain from misting them with blood should I pass them on the street.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

I am absolutely bearing that in mind -- qualitative methods have a lot to offer, but it is something of a transition from the "do a survey! Take the chi-square!" mindset we're accustomed to. It may be a mistake to schedule the program so that we get quantitative methods before having much exposure to qualitative.