Wednesday, April 05, 2006


Greetings from the library. Today I will experiment with liveblogging. It's all very meta.
12:12 p.m. Have begun reading about Canada's climate change plan. I hate the early parts of government documents: they are all about Opportunities Not Challenges and empty rhetoric. The canal has frozen over in places: on the way over here I saw confused little ducky skid marks on it. Poor quackers.
12:40 p.m. Government so silly. Have just trundled over to Steph's blog to see what the story is with her. She is mad at someone who, despite having a certain superficial charm, has treated her very badly. I can't decide whether he is morally bankrupt or just soulless. Whatever good he has in him is so covered up in the mind games and deception he's into that it doesn't seem worth the effort to try to get him to change his ways. I applaud her decision to tell him where to go.
1:07 p.m. Hnnnngh. I am not going to make it, clearly. Perhaps I will go for lunch soon.
1:34 p.m. Perhaps not. I have much to do.
1:50 p.m. By God this thing is getting easy to write! How exciting. The role of semantics in all of this is very interesting, actually. In its climate change bill, Bill 32, Alberta has defined its greenhouse gas emissions as "natural resources" for the sake of asserting provincial control over them. What an exciting legal department we have.
2:24 p.m. What part of "No cell phones in the library" do people fail to understand? The beeping has to stop. Though it's not as bad as the business students I had to sit near while I was doing my political economy essay, nattering on and on with meaningless buzzwords until I wanted to Bellwether them, just walk up and say, "here's your plan: 1. Optimize potential. 2. Facilitate empowerment. 3. Implement visioning. 4. Strategize priorities. 5. Augment core structures." It would have blown their tiny minds.
OK, back to the salt mines. I'll catch you cats later.


Anonymous said...

You're done, then? Congrats! *hugs*

22 days until you come home. Are you psyched? (as an aside--pleeease bring CDs? Scissor Sisters, Ben Sures, other people = or < love?)

Luvverly post--mentioned both the VSD and Bellwether. I don't know how you could get any more rockin'.

Boopsie, doing math, really~

steph said...

Ahh Jessica,

I just must express my love for you again.

Your description I think is a very accurate one. I'd say he is morally bankrupt. There was morals and goodness once...somewhere...and anytime someone tries to help...well he doesn't want to become unbankrupted suffice it to say.

This is a really good, very accurate description: "Whatever good he has in him is so covered up in the mind games and deception he's into that it doesn't seem worth the effort to try to get him to change his ways."

I doubt he's happy, in fact I can definitely say he's not, but he is not willing to change. Its definitely not worth trying, in fact its more trouble than its worth.

Thank you for your support. And being so fantastic.

Much love,

Jessica said...

Boopsie: naturellement I will bring some music home for you! Music is love.

Steph rocks the house. That is all.

Anonymous said...

LOL. you so should have gone and blown those business students out of the water!