Monday, January 09, 2006

Revolution No. 19

It is my birthday! Go me. Anytime I hear "Happy Birthday" now, it reminds me of Ruth's old dog Happy. Happy got so very excited to hear her name that they had to change the lyrics of the song whenever she was around, so that it went:
Birthday to you
Birthday to you
Birthday to you.
There are secret plans going on for today -- Emily and Katherine have not yet told me what's going on, either for today or for this weekend. Tenterhooks!
And, oh yes, this is my first day back at school. I had an environmental studies lecture this morning and it looks like it's going to be a fun class. Now I have a six-hour break (!) before poli sci in the evening. I shall make this my running-and-library time, though no running time this particular Monday because I'm feeling a bit congested and constricted. My run Saturday felt like I was working with about two-thirds my normal lung capacity, it was very odd.
Unrelated good news: my final marks are posted for most classes, too: A- in both poli sci classes and A in law. Hooray!


taryn said...

that's the best birthday song ever.

happy birthday jessica. 19? it's good times, and don't you forget it.

Anonymous said...

Even though it's technically not your birthday anymore. I hope you guys had fun! Sorry I couldn't join in the shenanigans.
I was going to call you to wish you happy birthday today, but then I got hit with the "it's due tonight" journalism assignment of death. So please don't take my silence personally - because I'm so f-ing excited that you're 19! What what! Birthday props.

steph said...

Happy Birthday Hon!!!

I didn't know that you were also a January baby. Also didn't know you are just now I feel so old. hahahaha

Well I hope you had a great birthday!

I shall give you a birthday hug tomorrow (we do have IPE together right?....hope so)

Much love!
The Bacchanalianist