Saturday, November 13, 2004

I Had a Dream

I was going to watch The Daily Show but some Star Trek movie was on instead, so I decided to go for a walk. So I'm walking along, beside a waterway of some kind, and I find a person looking after a fish. The fish, as I see, is about two millimetres long. And the person says to me, "you may laugh now, but that fish is the next president of the United States." And, because it's a dream, I didn't find it particularly strange. So I took the fish out of the water and started walking with it (so it could go visit my Uncle Jim -- apparently it was his fish) but the board it was on did not retain water as well as I had hoped, and the fish suddenly dried up and blew away. So I killed the first non-human president of the United States last night. Oops?

1 comment:

Pixie said...

Man, that's right up there with me for wierd dreams, babe.

I was working as a Page at the Alberta Leg. The Page program was run military style, and I was assigned a colour (blue - the lowest level) and a code. As a lowly Blue, I was relegated to large amounts of paperwork in the basement of the Leg. Lucky I was there though, as I saw the men sneaking in. I followed them, and suddenly found myself trying to stop an assasination attempt on the Prince of Alberta. I mean, geez, the kid's only 7 and was busy riding his camel through the Leg building. It came to light that he needed new bodygaurds though, as the three Pomeranian dogs just weren't quite cutting it....