Tuesday, October 28, 2008


It is snowing! Wet, disgusting slush-snow, admittedly, but still: it is snowing!
Soon I will snowboard. Soon.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Top Speed, For It Is A High-Performance Vehicle

Since I have half an hour before I have to run out again, it seems like an opportune time to update and explain the lack of posting around here. Here is my explanation: I have no explanation, just excuses about how busy I am. What have I been doing? Well, here are a few things.
I went to my first Grown-Up Business Travel Conference in possibly-scenic Rochester, NY (a shout out to the Rust Belt, here). It was a good time and everyone was gracious enough to live up to their national stereotypes. For my part, I did not cause any international incidents by, for instance, abducting attractive Scandinavians as gifts for my girlfriends.
I went home for Thanksgiving, where I attended Jeanne-Marie's wonderful backyard wedding and hung out with my grandma, my aunt, and my uncle from Arizona. We had some truly delicious meals and a very educational afternoon at Body Worlds (my uncle Dick, a retired cardiothoracic surgeon, was particularly informative at the case of horrible obstructed arteries).
After I returned from the Birda, I spent some time in Ottawa with my vater. He was in town on business, so we were both busy - actually, that was kind of nice because I didn't feel I had to host all the time on top of school and work. On top of that, Ottawa (although a lovely city) does not necessarily have a full week's worth of stuff to do any given week in October. We trucked out to Montreal to visit Boopsie at the weekend. We took her out for a pre-birthday brunch and a trip to the Chinese lantern exhibit at the Botanical Gardens. It was a great trip but ended inconveniently with a four-hour drive back to Ottawa, because Quebec construction firms are sadists.
A few weeks ago I participated in a seriously marvellous capoeira workshop. I was just in a good mood or something, because the movements we learned were much harder than what I usually do but I loved every moment, and the game we played at the end seemed to go really well, just lots of good vibes going on.
Not much else to report, really. There is some travel planning in the works for January; lots of stuff needs to get sorted out for scheduling and applications and whatever else. But I have to get going, actually, if I'm going to be on time for my class. Au revoir, tout le monde!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Awkward Photo Opportunity!

That's the extreme pro-abortion position, quote, "health." But, look, Cindy and I are adoptive parents. We know what a treasure and joy it is to have an adopted child in our lives. We'll do everything we can to improve adoption in this country.
All able-wombed women are cordially invited to send Senator McCain their unwanted babies.